Back in June, I looked at
the second detective novel from the short-lived Simon Gale series,
entitled Sorcerer's
House (1956), which Gerald
Verner unmistakably intended as an homage to one of John
Dickson Carr's most celebrated mystery novels, He
Who Whispers (1946) – without becoming too derivative or
having to lean on a locked room gimmick. Surprisingly, the book
actually succeeded in being an obvious tribute that told its own
story and that piqued my curiosity about the first title in the
series. A mystery novel that has consistently been compared to the
work of Agatha

Noose for a Lady
opens with the conclusion of the trial of Margaret Hallam, who has
been found guilty of the murder, by poison, of her husband, John
John Hallam died at his
home, Easton Knoll, from "an overdose of barbitone"
administered in a glass of hot whiskey and milk. A mixture prepared
by Mrs. Hallam. There were only two set of fingerprints found on the
glass, which belonged to Mr. and Mrs. Hallam, but, even more damning,
is that she had been taking a preparation of barbitone for insomnia
and kept her supply in a locked drawer in her bedroom – she kept
the key in her purse. Two days before the murder, Mrs. Hallam had
bought a new bottle containing "containing twenty-five
five-grain tablets," but the police only found three tablets in
the bottle. Mrs. Hallam was unable to account for the missing
So the jury returns with
a unanimous guilty verdict and the judge, who gets the square of
black silk draped over his wig, announces that Mrs. Hallam will be "taken from this place to a lawful prison" and "thence
to a place of execution" where she'll be "hanged by the
neck until you are dead." Mrs. Hallam continues to proclaim her
innocence, but the only person who believes her is her stepdaughter,
Jill Hallam.
Jill Hallam last hope is
enlisting a childhood friend of her stepmother, Simon Gale, who
recently returned from Italy and has read "one of the scurrilous
rags" for the past eight months. So, when he learns her
execution is scheduled to place within a week, Gale thunders "do
you mean these blundering, incompetent numskulls are going to hang
her?" and is determined to reverse the verdict before that
seven day time-limit. But his approach and even personality
noticeably differed from his second appearance.
Sorcerer's House
was written as a homage to Carr and called Gale in my review a
store-brand Dr. Gideon Fell or Sir Henry Merrivale, because he
constantly smoked vile, acrid smelling cigarettes rolled from black
tobacco and booms odd, classically inspired phrases – such as "by
the golden apples of Hesperides" and "by the cloven hoofs
of Pan." These Carr-like personality traits were entirely
absent here. Gale still has a loud, boorish personality, but now he
stands much closer to either Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple than to
Dr. Fell or H.M. A detective who hunts for psychological clues in the
personalities of the suspects.
Gale is a professional
portrait painter and admitted he knew nothing about "as cigar
ash, fingerprints, alibis, and tangible clues of that kind,"
but knew Mrs. Hallam didn't poison her husband because it was "psychologically wrong." Mrs. Hallam has an infernal
temper and she would have used a poker or bread-knife, but not
poisoning his nightcap with a dose of sleeping pills. So he descends
on the village of Wickham Green to find out who, of its inhabitants,
fits the psychological profile of "one of the most dangerous
types of murderer," the sly poisoner.
This proves to be
somewhat of a Herculean task. Not only have they less than a week to
find this unknown murderer, but the victim, John Hallam, is revealed
as "a mental sadist." Someone who liked to find out
people's dirty secrets and torture them, privately, with the threat
of exposure and there were quite a few people in the village who were
caught in his torturous web. There's a malicious village gossip, Mrs.
Ginch, who poses as a pious church lady. A collector of some
exquisite pieces of china, Robert Upcott, whose spirit was broken
when his wife ran away with another man. An ex-military man, Major
Fergusson, who has seen things in the war that keeps him awake at
night. A tartar of a woman, Mrs. Langdon-Humphreys, who's always
accompanied by her niece, Vanessa Lane. Lastly, there the typical
country physician, Doctor Evershed, who's the only one in the village
that has threatened Mrs. Ginch with lawsuit for the lies she told
behind his back.
Noose for a Lady
largely comprises of ferreting the long-held secrets from this
closed-circle of suspects, but they're incredibly reticent and Gale
compared his task to turning on "a bright light in an old, damp
cellar" as "all kinds of nasty, crawling things go
scuttling away to their holes" – in order "to get out of
the glare." All the while, the clock is rapidly ticking away
the days that Mrs. Hallam has left to live.
So I can understand why
the story has been described as an Agatha Christie-style novel and
Verner took many of his cues directly from some of her detective
stories. I already mentioned Sad Cypress and Cards of the
Table, but one piece of psychological clueing tore a page
directly from Christie's widely praised masterpiece, Death
on the Nile (1937). However, the ending betrayed the fact
that Verner was not quite in the same league as Christie.
John Norris wrote in his
blog-post, entitled "Neglected
Detectives – Simon Gale," that "the ending is histrionic
in the extreme" with too much "explained away as madness"
and made "the entire story seem prosperous." Santosh Iyer
was a lot nicer, but his one complaint was "the
unnecessary melodrama at the end." I mostly agree with
them, but the reason why melodramatic ending didn't work, in my
opinion anyway, is the vulgar motive to get rid of John and Margeret
Hallam. A more personal and emotional motivation would have made the
ending more acceptable. An incident was mentioned that could have
been turned into a motive that, psychologically, fitted the murderer.
So, in spite of the
slightly botched ending, Noose for a Lady is a well-done, much
appreciated attempt at a classic, cleverly-done whodunit, a la
Christie, which made for an exciting and intriguing detective story,
but Christie would have handled the surprise ending so much better.
Just compare Noose for a Lady to Peril
at End House (1932) and Lord
Edgware Dies (1933), you can't help but to appreciate her
lesser-celebrated novels all over again. However, it isn't really
fair to compare Verner to Christie and, by his own standards, Noose
for a Lady is as good a second-string mystery as Sorcerer's
House. Purely recommended for readers who either want to read
something like Christie or readers who love obscure detective
A note for the curious:
Noose for a Lady began as a radio-play and was adapted in 1953
for the movies. You can watch the trailer