promised in my review of Jerry Coleman's Action Comics story,
Super-Key to Fort Superman" (1958), that I would done with
trimming down my stack of newly acquired locked room mystery and
impossible crime novels by the end of the month – bringing back a
little variety to the blog. This post marks the end of the deluge of
locked room and impossible crime reviews that have flooded this place
since February.

Skupin's Locked Room Murders: Supplement (2019) has pages
filled with entries of obscure, long out-of-print titles, oddities
and some apparent anomalies.
have genuine rarities such as Eric Aldhouse's The Crime at the
Quay Inn (1934), B.C. Black's The Draughtsman's Pen (1948),
Nigel Brent's The Leopard Died Too (1957) and Sinclair Gluck's
intriguing, somewhat familiar,
sounding Sea Shroud (1934) in which a murder is committed in a
locked and bolted room with barred windows – one window has "a
hole from a rifle shot" in it.
When it comes to the oddities, you have the previously mentioned "The
Super-Key to Fort Superman" and Stephan M. Arleaux's plagiarized
edition (The Locked Study Murder, 2017) of A.A. Milne's The
Red House Mystery (1922). There's even some odd praise for David
Louis Marsh's Dead Box (2004), an atrocity on the level of the
living conditions in the trenches of the First World War, but Skupin
admitted "the solution is a terrible letdown." So there's
that. And there were a couple of entries that looked anomalous.
spotlighted Maisie
Birmingham's The Mountain by Night (1997) in his
introduction as a 1990s locked room novel "worthy of note" and was published only twenty-three years ago, but there are less
than a dozen references to it on the internet. No copies! Something
tells me The Mountain by Night was privately published,
because she published
her three previous mysteries in the 1970s and Amazon
gives "M.P. Birmingham" as the publisher of The Mountain by
Night – explaining the lack of copies. So perhaps an
interesting title for John Pugmire, of Locked
Room International, to reprint in the future as a
companion for Derek Smith's Come
to Paddington Fair (1997). Esther Fonseca's The Thirteenth
Bed in the Ballroom (1937) is another weird one, reportedly
reprinted in 2012, but only found a short review
and have to assume the 2012 edition belonged to another entry.
Fowler has a number of entries on the opposite page.
we have the subject of today's rambling review. A locked room mystery
novel from the early 1950s that, at first, didn't appear to exist at

after all that detective work, I wanted to know what the book was
about and the description of the impossibility, "a dead man seen
in a room through the keyhole" and "only moments later the
body is gone," had me intrigued. What I found was a little out
of the ordinary for a locked room mystery.
Moon begins with a sickly, middle-aged spinster, Rowena Penhaven,
who lost her domineering mother six months ago and now lives all
alone behind "the grey, moss-covered walls of the Penhaven
estate." Beechwood Close even has the family crypt cozily
standing on its uninviting, fenced-in grounds. Rowena was "bound
hand and foot" to "her tartar of a mother" as an
unpaid servant, but the death of Mrs. Penhaven snapped the chains of
her mind and she began to suffer from lapses of memory and
hallucinations – seeing ghosts, snakes and the Thing. Every so
often, the key to her mother's old bedroom goes missing and when she
looks through the key-hole, the Thing is always there. A "macabre
tableau" of a man lying on a bloodstained carpet with "a
hideous, gaping wound in the back of his head" and "an
ugly stain" on the front of his shirt. Scene is always the
the key is returned and when Rowena goes into the bedroom, the dead
man has "vanished without leaving a trace." Only to
reappear in the locked bedroom days, or weeks, later. And this has
been going on for months!

he needs a client before he can make himself "a thorough
nuisance" without risking his license and one unexpectedly
comes to him with a hundred a week paycheck. Sadie MacLeod soon joins
her husband on his investigation.
can't deny Demons' Moon has a solid premise. A tale of
domestic suspense, in the style of Anthony
Gilbert, with a strong, Gothic flavor and the problem of the
ghostly scenes in the locked bedroom, but the second and third act of
the story convinced me Robertson had no idea where the story would
end when he penned the opening chapters – making it up as he went
along. Second part of the story is pure, pulp-style dime thriller
with a scheming villain who keeps cobra's as pets and idiotically
wastes his time with drugging or playing games with MacLeod. Just not
as good or engaging as the pulp detective/thriller yarns by, oh let's
say, Gerald
Verner (e.g. Terror
Tower, 1935). Robertson than attempted to walk back on this
second act with a horrendously botched play on the
least-likely-suspect gambit, but the twist only pulled the rug from
under the plot and the whole story fell flat on its face. So not a
pretty ending to a story that began so promising!
the only good things I can say about Demons' Moon is the
original, strangely compelling way in which MacLeod was brought into
the case and Robertson updated a locked room-trick that was famously
used in a short story from the 1930s. Sadly, the problem of the
locked room is not given any thought until Chapter XXIV when briefly
a number of possibilities are considered and eliminated ("...and
can't believe that a dummy was used either"). And they
accidentally stumble across the solution in Chapter XXVI. You say
about John
Russell Fearn what you want, but he would have wrested a good
pulp story out of this locked room-trick. A detective story that
would have given the reader a hint of the possibilities of this new
yeah, Demons' Moon is a good example why some novels and
writers are forgotten today, but, every once in a while, you have to
read one to appreciate the truly talented and entertaining mystery
writers all over again.