Frederic Dannay and his
cousin Manfred B. Lee, better known by their shared penname of "Ellery
Queen," were two of the most important mystery writers, editors
and champions of the detective story of the previous century –
whose monthly Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine kept the home
fire burning during darker times. It's not for nothing, Anthony
Boucher proclaimed Ellery Queen to be "the American
detective story" incarnate.
There is, however,
another reason why Ellery Queen is typically American: the name
became one of the earliest examples of a branded franchise in the
publishing world.

An EQ venture not as well
remembered today is their excursion into the juvenile
corner of the genre with the Ellery Queen Junior Mysteries, which
produced eleven novels in two (short) series between 1942 and 1966.
There also appears to be an unpublished, long-lost twelfth novel, The
Mystery of the Golden Butterfly.
Nine of the novels star a
recurring side-character from the main series, Djuna,
who's the small, gypsy orphan adopted by Inspector Richard Queen when
Ellery was attending college. The book-titles of this series follow
The [Country] [Noun] Mystery pattern of Queen's early
international series, but with colors and animals (e.g. The
Black Dog Mystery, 1942). The other two novels are helmed by
a specially created character, Gulliver Queen. So I wanted to take a
closer look a novel from each of these series.
The Mystery of the
Merry Magician (1961) is the first of only two titles in the
Gulliver Queen series, but ghostwriters and unauthorized
sub-ghostwriters have made determining authorship somewhat of a
puzzle – which is discussed
by Kurt Sercu on his Ellery Queen website (click on the covers to
read more). James
Holding was contracted to write the 1960s Ellery Queen Junior
novels, but he farmed out the work to sub-ghosts and The Mystery
of the Merry Magician was written by the author of the Dig Allen
series, Joseph
Greene. I understand Lee was not amused.
Gulliver "Gully"
Queen is the sixteen-year-old nephew of Ellery and the grandson of
Inspector Richard Queen. His father is Ellery's hitherto unknown and
nameless brother, an engineer, who's in Europe working on "a
long-term United Nations project," which is why Gully is
staying an entire year with his uncle and grandfather in New York.
The presence of the regular characters from the main series makes the
book feel like a crossover and really is what makes it standout as a
juvenile mystery. Ellery Queen briefly appears in the opening and
closing chapters. Gully is even seen reading one of his uncle's
detective novels (The
Finishing Stroke, 1958). Nikki Porter is mentioned in
passing, but, more importantly, Inspector Queen and my personal
favorite side-character from any series, Sergeant Thomas Velie, have
supporting roles to play in the story!

The Mystery of the
Merry Magician begins with Ellery having to break his promise to
take Gully on a camping trip to the mountains, because the Treasury
Department has asked him to go the New Orleans waterfront to
investigate some baffling reports – a "strange creature"
has been haunting the docks down there. Ellery notices Gully is
trying to mask his disappointment and gives him a leather notebook,
which he's to use to write down the names, addresses and the story of
anyone who might come to see him. And there's only one rule, Gully is
not allowed to "go off trying to solve mysteries." He just
has to write down the facts in the notebook.
So, as to be expected,
the moment Ellery has gone someone comes knocking at the door of the
Queen residence. A boy of Gully's age, named "Fisty" Jones, who
has a most astonishing story to tell and Captain Foster, "an old
buddy of Inspector Queen," told him to go tell it to the
inspector's son, Ellery. Gully has to keep a record for his uncle and
asks Fisty to tell him the story.
Fisty was visiting
Captain Foster and his granddaughter, Peggy, who live on a barge tied
up at Pier A of the New York waterfront. On his way back home, Fisty
passed a block of mostly abandoned, boarded-up old houses and peeked
into the window of an empty story. Fisty described, what he saw, as "a monster from space." A creature with black,
smooth skin, big, floppy feet and "one big, round eye,"
right in "the middle of his face." So they go to have a
second look at the empty shop, but discover that the window has been
painted black and are told by a tattooed man to mind their own
business or else they might get hurt. The tattooed man has designs on
the building next door, which is leased to "an old-time
magician," Magnus Merlin, who now makes a living by making
magic tricks and always accompanied by his happy little dog, Banjo –
who proves to be a huge help to the boys throughout the story.
The central plot-thread
is very basic for a juvenile mystery novel and therefore easy to
figure out, but there were some nice touches that punched it up a
Besides the obligatory
dangers and tight corners, there's an attempt to make the role of the
merry magician in the plot ambiguous (friend or foe?) and there's an
honest-to-god impossible situation witnessed by Gully and Fisty! When
they're swimming in the river to find origin of hammering noises
heard on the barge, they see "a man walking on water."
Solution is not terribly clever, but it fitted the plot. There's also
very subtly done "Challenge to the Reader," when Gulliver remarks
he has "a strange feeling that all the facts Uncle Ellery will
need to solve the case" is in his notebook to which Peggy
responds, "well, then, solve it yourself." This made the
last chapter, entitled "Gully's Little Notebook," all the better.
One of those nice little touches that really helped the plot.
I've to say, though, with
all the magicians, magic-tricks, tattooed men and an impossible
crime, the story felt more like the junior to Clayton
Rawson than Ellery Queen.
All in all, The
Mystery of the Merry Magician has pretty decent plot, but it's
the characters who stole the show! Gully, Fisty and Peggy can stand
with the best teenage detective-characters from the genre's juvenile
corner and Inspector Queen and Sergeant Velie shined in their
supporting roles. So I can highly recommend it to either readers of
these vintage juvenile mysteries and die-hard Ellery Queen fans.
Something that'll probably give JJ
an existential crisis!
Now that we got the first
Gulliver Queen novel out of the way, let's move on to the book that
almost closed out the Djuna series.
The Blue Herring
Mystery (1954) is the eighth and penultimate installment in the
Dunja series, which was supposed to have been written by Samuel
McCoy, but he hired a sub-ghost, Harold Montanye, to write the last
six books on his contract – which were the titles from The Green
Turtle Mystery (1944) to The Blue Herring Mystery.
Reportedly, Montanye experienced "some difficulties getting his stake in the half share McCoy
had." The Black Dog Mystery (1942), The Golden Eagle
Mystery (1942) and the unpublished The Mystery of the Golden
Butterfly were written by yet another sub-ghost, Frank Belknap
Long. More than a decade later, Holding penned the final book, The
Purple Bird Mystery (1966). Well, that's what everyone still
hopes. What a goddamn mess! No wonder Lee's heart was playing up.
The Blue Herring
Mystery is not as strong as The Mystery of the Merry Magician
when it comes to character portrayal, or story-telling, but it found
an interesting way to use EQ's signature trope, a
dying message, in a detective story belonging to a usually
murderless branch of the genre.
Djuna has a week-long
holiday ahead of him and has a friend from Florida, Bobby Herrick,
who's coming over and, in preparation of his arrival, Miss Annie
Ellery takes him to Aunt Candy's house to borrow cinnamon for an
apple pie. Aunt Candy is the great-granddaughter of a 19th century
merchant mariner, Captain Jonas Beekman, who passed away over seventy
years ago and muttered something with his last breath – telling
people to "lift th' blue herrin." Some believe this was a
clue to where he had hidden a fortune in pears he had brought back
from the South Seas. Djuna is allowed to thumb through the captain's
old logbook and reads some curious entries as well as discovering a
page had been torn out.
Coincidentally, a
drugstore owner, Doc Perry, is turning Captain Beekman's old house
into a museum and is assisted by a mysterious, disheveled man,
Professor Kloop, who has taken over the whole project. Doc Perry has
become mighty suspicious of Kloop as he's always "peekin' into
dark corners in the cellar" or "tappin' walls." So
what is he's exactly up to?

Djuna is used in the
opening chapters to explain things to its young readers and, in
combination with constantly uttering "Golly" or "Jeepers," he
comes across a little dull-witted. Something that strikes a false
note when its time to play detective and correctly interpret the
dying message of the old sea captain. Most of what happens between
the opening and closing chapters is boring padding or just boring.
There was such a lack of any interest in the story that it became
very noticeable how much the characters were eating all the time,
which ranged from apple pie, pancakes and kippers to egg salad
sandwiches, baked potatoes and spaghetti – topped with chocolate
nut sundaes. This only represents a small selection from their
holiday menu! Just padding at its worst.
So, yeah, The Blue
Herring Mystery tried to tackle an interesting concept with a
good premise and solution, but it was lost in a deadly dull, overly
padded story and I simply can't recommend it. I'll definitely tackle
the second Gulliver Queen novel in the future, but don't expect me to
return to the Djuna series anytime soon.
A note for the curious:
I've already mention a missing, presumably unpublished manuscript in
the EQ Jr. franchise, The Mystery of the Golden Butterfly,
which reminded me of the unpublished, long-lost last novel in The
Three Investigator series. Back in 2016, I put together a
small selection of lost detective stories and one of them was
M.V. Carey's The Mystery of the Ghost Train, which was
completed when the series was canceled in 1986 and the manuscript was
presumably lost. A website dedicated to the series posted an update
in 2018 reporting that the manuscript is in "the
possession of the Carey family," but Random House "has
expressed no interest in it." Hopefully, this will change in
the future.