"Of much I am not sure. But that we shall be better and braver and less helpless if we search for truth than we would have been if we had indulged in idle fancy that there was not knowing and no use in seeking to know – that is a theme on which I am ready to fight in word and deed, to the utmost of my power."- Socrates
Richard Purtill is the Professor Emeritus
of Philosophy at the Western Washington University who dabbled in science
fiction, fantasy and non-fiction, and elements from these genres were poured in
Purtill's sole mystery novel, Murdercon (1982).

This will also be the umpteenth review of
an impossible crime novel that slipped under Robert Adey's radar and was not
listed in his bibliography of the locked room mystery – I can't seem to escape
from them!
Anyhow, at the convention, Professor
Pierce soon bumps into another key player, Dorothy Dodd, a member of the con
committee and a dangerous woman who loves to play games with people, and
recently forked over nine hundred bucks for a surviving copy of the first and
only issue of a failed SF-magazine from the 1930s, Kosmos Tales. The
plot thickens! But before plunging into a murder investigation, Professor
Pierce has time to visit some panels and observe her new audience, and some of
the observations on the SF genre were interesting from a mystery reader's
perspective and this (snarky) remark from Dodd would be met with "hear,
hear!" on here, if you replace SF/science fiction with mysteries:
"A bunch of academics who think that they're experts on science fiction because they teach courses on it and write papers about the SF writers they approve of."
A panel discussion is also the décor for
the first murder when a toy gun toting figure, costumed as Darth Vader from Star Wars, disrupts the discussion and vanishes after producing a flash from his toy and one of the panel members, a certain Dorothy Dodd, lays sprawled across
the table. The question is how she died, when it's out of the question that the
toy gun was capable of delivering a shock that could've killed Dodd, let alone
at a distance of ten feet, and no other obvious methods for electrocution are
found. It's unlikely that Dodd was scared to dead by a goofy stunt by a
disruptive fan. They were play-acting Logan's Run all over the hotel,
but the second murder, staged and disguised as a suicide, is even cleverer and
its presentation was very Jonathan Creek-ish while the plotting reminded me
Gosho Aoyama's Case Closed (a.k.a. Detective Conan).
Over the course of Pierce's private
investigation, she receives a phone call from a suspected wanted for
questioning and this leads her, alongside a hotel bellman, to the room of yet
another suspect – where they witness the person in question falling from an
open window upon breaching the threshold. What is interesting is that the
police almost immediately suspects trickery and the murders are never treated
as impossibilities, by either the police or Pierce, but as another piece of the
puzzle that requires further investigation, which was an approach favored by
early American mystery writers like Jacques Futrelle and S.S. van Dine. The
terms locked room mystery and impossible crimes are never dropped, but that
doesn't make them any less relevant to the genre – if only for their
presentation. I think a genre savvy reader will stumble to the answers, or the
main gist behind the trickery, very early on, however, Purtill never insults
the intelligence of his readers by mystifying what's suppose to be obvious to everyone and
the investigation is never far behind on the reader. That being said, I liked
the trick behind the second impossibility more than the first one. It was more original and the
explanation of the Darth Vader murder felt indebted to Fredric Brown's Death Has Many Doors (1951; another SF-themed mystery).
Before the end of the case, Professor
Pierce has to face that staple of Silver Age mysteries, starring down the
barrel of a loaded gun, among several other hostage/hostile situations – while
moving between the convention and such locations as the historic Coronado Hotel
and the San Diego Zoo. I should also mention a plot thread involving a "lost
story" by Stanley Weinbaum, and while this trope is not unfamiliar in
mysteries, Edmund Crispin's Love Lies Bleeding (1948) revolves around a
lost Shakespeare play and John Dickson Carr wrote a teasing excerpt of a fourth
C. Auguste Dupin short story in The Mad Hatter Mystery (1933), they do
tend to end on a predictable note, but that's not a trap Purtrill fell into.
But then again, adjusting history, it's like a stroke of the brush for a SF
was a fun read and discovering no less than two, fairly well done, impossible crimes
was the icing on the cake, and while it's not perfect, I really enjoyed it and did
not felt like wandering through a strange land. My only knowledge of
science-fiction comes from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, SeaQuest DSV, no more than two or three actual SF novels and a handful of hybrid
mysteries, but the plot of Murdercon had the same balance between the
bizarre world of SF and a straight-up detective story as Mack Reynolds' classic
The Case of the Little Green Men (1951) – another one that sneaked under
Adey’s radar like an advanced spacecraft.
Well worth a shot.