In my previous post, I
reviewed John R.S. Pringle's The
Royal Flush Murders (1948), published as by "Gerald
Verner," which ended with the promise to immediately return to
the work of this obscure, pulp-like mystery writer with, reputedly,
one of his best detective novels – namely the intriguing-sounding
Sorcerer's House (1956). A detective story clearly intended as
a homage to the great maestro, John
Dickson Carr, but without leaning on an impossible crime. Nearly
everything else is pure Carr!

Cagliostro was a self-professed magician, occultist, alchemist and very likely a died-in-the-wool conman.
During his second and
last time in England, Cagliostro had rented Threshold House where, if
local legends are to believed, he attempted to replicate his famous
Banquet of the Dead in the Long Room – which has been haunted every
since by "a dim, bluish glow." A mysterious light that is
seen as "a sign that somebody is going to die." Violently!
In recent years, the bluish light in the window preceded a deadly
motor cycle accident in the village and the discovery of dead,
unidentified tramp underneath the window of the Long Room.
Boyce learns of this
local legend in the garden of Bryony Cottage, home of Mr. and Mrs.
Onslow-White, where a group of people are sitting around in
deck-chairs on a hot, airless summer evening. These people are Avril
Farrell and her brother, Dr. Farrell, who's accompanied by his
daughter, Flake. She naturally becomes somewhat of a love-interest to
Boyce. Paul Meriton rounds out the party. The plot begins to roll
when Avril Farrell makes the disturbing remarks, "there was a
light in the window last night" and "I wonder who is going
to die this time?"
That night, Boyce looks
out of his bedroom window, overlooking the old, ruined and ivy
smothered house, and sees a light in the window of the Long Room. So
he decides to investigate and makes a terrible discovery. The body of
Meriton lies underneath the window of the Long Room, exactly like the
dead tramp, with the back of his head caved in and turns out he had
been killed with "a loose banister torn from the staircase"
– after which he had been pitched out of the window. So this is
murder. And this brings one of Verner's short-lived series-detective
onto the scene.
Simon Gale is a
flamboyant, beer guzzling artist-of-leisure and an incorrigible
contrarian with an unruly shock of hair, aggressive beard and the
dress sense of a Dutch flower field. He smokes vile, acrid smelling
cigarettes rolled from black tobacco and booms such phrases as "by
the orgies of Bacchus" or "by the cloven hoofs of Pan."
Gale is unmistakable meant to be a Great Detective in the tradition
of Carr's Dr. Gideon Fell and Sir Henry Merrivale, but many readers
will probably find his mannerisms tiresome. And this probably makes
him more of brand-store version of Dr. Fell and H.M. Still, I didn't
entirely dislike him, but he can be tedious at times. Lee
Sheldon created a very similar, but more convincing, JDC-inspired
detective in Impossible
Bliss (2001). Anyway, the most obvious nod to Carr had yet to
A key-part of the
overarching plot is finding out what exactly happened to Meriton's
wife, Fay Meriton, who apparently absconded with a secretive lover,
but nobody has ever been able to find a trace of her. Gale is
convinced there's more to her sudden disappearance and believes he'll
find the answer in the decaying house. This is the point where the
story becomes tricky to discuss, but Fay's back-story is directly
tied to the dark and hidden tragedies of the house. However, it's not
exactly what you think it is. Gale was even surprised by two of their
discoveries, but, slowly, Fay emerges as a tragic and wronged woman.
You can say what you want, but this largely mirrors the story of Fay
Seton from Carr's classic He
Who Whispers (1946).
As I mentioned above,
Sorcerer's House becomes tricky, if not impossible, to discuss
once they begin to explore the house in earnest, because the story is
almost structured like a magazine serial and the discoveries are
excellently used here as cliffhangers – baffling everyone from
reader to the detective. These are some of the best set-pieces of the
story and the closes Verner came to matching Carr when it came to
story-telling. Verner also deserves praise for showing the excitement
and gossip in Ferncross when the police and press descended on the
small village. A particular highlight was the character of the
village gossip, Miss Flappit, who was in "a seventh heaven of
excitement" and shot all over the village like "a noisy
and virulent wasp."
Plot-wise, Sorcerer's
House only suffers from ramshackle clueing and an otherwise
excellent, well-hidden murderer who falls for an obvious trap set by
Gale, but most readers will probably forgive that last point. Because
you'll get one of those great, Carr-like scenes in return. A genuine
surprise played to great effect, but again, the murderer was acting
as an idiot here and should not have fallen for it.
Leaving aside these
imperfections, Sorcerer's House is a superior and more
original detective story than either The
Beard of the Prophet (1937) or The Royal Flush Murders.
The former borrowed a little too freely from Agatha Christie's Murder
in Mesopotamia (1936), while the plot of the latter was
pretty much a pastiche of S.S. van Dine's The
Greene Murder Case (1928). Yes, Sorcerer's House
evidently drew inspiration from He Who Whispers, but most of
the plot is entirely original. In some ways, you can even say the
plot of Sorcerer's House anticipates Paul Halter's La
chambre du fou (The Madman's Room, 1990). So maybe
Brad and JJ
want to take note of this one.
Long story short,
Sorcerer's House is a good, second-string mystery comparable
to the more Carr-like mystery novels by John Russell Fearn (e.g. The
Five Matchboxes, 1948), but, above all, it's a much
appreciated homage to the master with patches of truly great
story-telling. So this one has definitely given me a reason to return
to Verner in the future.