Last month, I posted a
review of Soji
Shimada's bloody tour-de-force, Senseijutsu
satsujinjiken (The Tokyo Zodiac Murders, 1981), which
I decided to reread in eager anticipation of the long-awaited release
of the English translation of Shimada's second locked room mystery
novel, Naname
yashiki no hanzai (Murder in the Crooked House, 1982)
– courtesy of Pushkin
Vertigo. An imprint of Vertigo Press specialized in crime
classics from around the world, written between the 1920s and 1970s,
by "international masters of the genre." So who better to
represent the Japanese shin honkaku movement in their catalog
than one of its founders, the "God of Mystery," Soji Shimada!

The Tokyo Zodiac
Murders has a plot composed of three separate cases, only linked
by the family ties of the victims, which stretches across four
decades and covers the entirety of the Japanese islands – capturing
the imagination of the public until Kiyoshi Mitarai finally solved
it. Murder in the Crooked House, on the other hand, takes
place in a single location, Ice Floe Mansion, where a group of people
have gathered to celebrate Christmas. So this is more of an intimate
yakata-mono (mansion story) than a grisly jigsaw thriller.
Wong described yakata-mono as "distinctly darker"
than the Western country house mystery. A pile of brick and mortar
that almost takes on a personality all its own. This can be achieved
by either "strange architecture" or by "acting as a
distinctly evil vibe." Some good (Western) examples are S.S.
van Dine's The
Greene Murder Case (1928), Ellery Queen's The
Tragedy of Y (1932) and Roger Scarlett's Murder
Among the Angells (1932), but Shimada's Murder in the
Crooked House is a great example of the pure Japanese yakata-mono
detective story with its bizarre architecture, a sinister collector's
room and no less than three impossible murders!
To be honest, Murder
in the Crooked House read like someone smashed Scarlett's Murder
Among the Angells and the Detective Conan 2000
TV-special The
Cursed Mask Laughs Coldly. Needlessly to say, I loved it.
On a cliff at the top of
Japan's northernmost island, Hokkaido, sits "a peculiar-looking
structure" that looks like Elizabethan mansion with its
three-storey building and to the east of the house stands a
cylindrical tower of glass that's "the spitting image of the
Leaning Tower of Pisa" – which can only be entered by "a
staircase in the form of a drawbridge." A glass tower with a
Western-style building next to, on a snowbound cliff, somewhat gives
the impression of "some kind of fairy-tale castle."
However, the most
eccentric feature of the mansion is that it was erected on a slant
and leans to the south.
Ice Floe Mansion has
perfectly normal windows on the north and south side, but the ones on
the east and west sides have been constructed "to run parallel
with the ground outside." This makes people feel like "a
hard-boiled egg that has been dropped on the floor" and "is
trying to roll uphill," which is something the owner of the
house had a lot of fun with whenever he was entertaining guests.
Kozaburo Hamamoto, President of Hama Diesel, certainly was planning
to have some fun when he invited a group of people to stay with him
during the Christmas holidays.
Hamamoto has invited a
business associate, Eikichi Kikuoka, who's the president of Kikuoka
Bearings. Kikuoka has brought along his retinue. There's a
private-secretary and mistress, Kumi Aikura, a personal chauffeur,
Kazuya Ueda, and an executive of Kikuoka Bearings, Michio Kanai –
who's accompanied by his wife, Hatsue. There are also three
university students, Shun Sasaki, Masaki Togai and Yoshihiko
Hamamoto, who are presented with an opportunity to procure his
blessing to marry his daughter, Eiko. Only thing they have to do is
solve the meaning of the design of the fan-shaped flowerbed around
the tower.
So there you have
relatively normal opening of the classically-styled detective story,
but this all changes when they retire to their bedrooms.
Kumi is awakened in the
middle of the night by a noise and gets the scare of a lifetime when
she sees a horrendous, frostbitten face with a scraggly mustache and
beard peering through her parted bedroom curtains. But she was
sleeping in a room on the top floor. There was "no kind of
balcony" or "overhang of any kind" under the window.
Just a flat wall. On the following morning, pieces of a doll are
found outside the mansion without any footprints around it in the
Hamamoto has made a hobby
out of "studying and collecting mechanical toys and dolls,"
especially Western automata, which are kept in the "Tengu Room"
where the walls are entirely covered with "masks of that famous
long-nosed demon of Japanese folklore" and the doll that was
taken from this room is named Golem – a two-hundred year old,
life-sized doll from former Czechoslovakia. Folklore has it that, "on
a stormy night," this doll comes alive. This unsettling event
is rather innocent compares to what they discover next.
They're unable to rouse
Ueda, who sleeps on a folding bed in a storeroom, which is securely
latched from the inside. And when they break down the door, they find
him at the foot of the bed with a hunting knife in his chest. The
body was twisted in a strange position and the right wrist was tied
to the foot of the metal bed frame. Detective Inspector Okuma is
struggling to get a grip on the case and fails to prevent the
murderer from striking a second time right under his nose. This time
the murderer is looks to have been even more impossible than the
first one, which was committed in a bedroom with sturdy door of solid
oak and equipped with triple-locks.
So his superiors decided
that this kind of "monstrous crime" requires "the
right kind of detective" and they decide to consult Kiyoshi
Mitarai, astrologer and fortune teller, whose appearance on the scene
would have made Dr. Gideon Fell beam with pride – making Okuma
groan with cryptic remarks and saying the doll committed the murders.
However, not even Mitarai can prevent the murderer from fatally
wounding yet another guest and the room, once again, was completely
locked from the inside.
These impossibilities are
the meat packing the bare-bone structure of the plot, because the
murderer is fairly obvious and the only person who could have carried
out these murders. And even Mitarai was unable to deduce, or even
guess, the motive. So were these three impossibilities able to carry
the story? Well, two of them certainly did, but let's take them one
by one.
The locked room-trick
used in the storeroom was good, but fairly simple, of which I have
seen numerous variations and was not solved by either Okuma or
Mitarai, but by one of the students. So this locked room problem is
only a minor piece of the puzzle, but how the murderer was able to
kill the combat trained ex-soldier was clever. And the hidden dying
message was a nice touch. However, the third locked room stabbing
was, technically, a complete and utter cheat, but it served a
What makes Murder in
the Crooked House is good and memorable locked room novel are the
shenanigans with the doll and the awesome solution to the second
murder in the bedroom with the triple-locked door. A locked
room-trick with such wonderful clues as iron staircases, pieces of
string, the architectural eccentricities of the mansion and its
location, but my explanation was not even close to the brilliant
trick Shimada imagined here. My vague idea is that the whole place
was a giant mechanical contraption that used the glass tower as a
rotating cylinder, to wind and unwind, the mechanical parts of the
house that opened the ceilings in the locked rooms to drop a knife
from – which would explain why the bed was bolted down. Shimada
imagined a much more satisfying and entirely original solution to the
locked room.
So, while Murder in
the Crooked House has its imperfections and lacked the macabre
grandiosity of The Tokyo Zodiac Murders, Shimada crafted a
modern detective story that feels like a genuine Golden Age mystery
and the originality of one of the impossible crimes lifts it to the
status of a classic locked room novel. A handful of diagrams,
illustrations and a challenge to the reader were the icing on the
cake. This was well worth the long wait. Hopefully, we don't have to
wait another decade for the next translation to come around. I need
my traditional Japanese mystery fix.
On a final, semi-related
note: I'm convinced Shimada has greatly influenced Seimaru
Amagi, who's the talented writer of the Kindaichi series,
because their plotting-style are very similar and they both have an
affinity for elaborate, architectural trickery to create seemingly
impossible situations or cast-iron alibi – such as in The
Prison Prep School Murder Case and The
Rosenkrauz Mansion Murders. I have read two of Shimada's
novels and one short story, but he has very distinctive style of
plotting, especially his locked rooms, which seems to have rubbed off
on Amagi. Maybe someone in the comments can answer that.
The one comment I heard about this book from a fellow Mystery Club member that has for ever stuck with me, is that he wanted to see a film adaptation, with the camera POV inside [that thing]. It would be so cool!
ReplyDeleteMost of the early Shimada works feature like this grand-scale problems (see also [shameless plugging] The Running Dead), but Shimada's more "recent" work (10+ years), or at least the ones I happened to read, seem to be far more mundane, and more built around interpretation of events etc.
That would actually be awesome to use in a movie adaptation!
DeleteIs the one with impossible photograph of a Russian warship in the mountains part of his earlier or later work, because that one has always intrigued me. The only possible solution I could think, based on the plot description, is that the ship was brought to the mountain in pieces and put back together there. However, your review seems to hint at a different kind solution. Anyway, it sounds like one of those grand-scale problems that I would enjoy.
The Russian warship one is a relatively later work and the focus of that work is really the mystery of Anna Anderson, the woman who claimed she was Anastasia, not the warship one (which to be truthful, I doubt will really manage to impress you). Shimada's latest novel (the Santa Claus one I reviewed in... September?) is still relatively small in scale, but a bit closer to his WHAT!? earlier work.
Deletei was SO happy the publisher decided to offer the book on kindle in europe (contrary to some ellery queen novel like the tragedy books which are on usa amazon >.>).
ReplyDeletei already left a comment in a similar vein on ho-ling's blog but i find japanese book covers so much more aesthetically pleasing compared to our western ones. in france you will find just a blank cover with the title and the author's name. in usa, publishers want their covers to be "grown up" and minimalist. but japanese? they go ALL OUT with their art. the japanese cover design for this book is nicer by a long shot compared to the american one. i am happy all my library is digital so i can add the covers i want through calibre.
I believe I left a similar kind of comment on Ho-Ling's blog. Cover art has become a lost art in the West, which is unfortunate, but you can still find some exceptions here and there. Christopher Fowler's PCU series (U.K. hardcover editions) still has good, old-fashioned cover art that help set the mood of the story. I also loved most of the covers Rue Morgue Press used for their reprints (e.g. Kelley Roos' The Frightened Stiff)
DeleteBy the way, have you ever seen the covers of the reprints of Christie and Sayers from the 2000s? Dark, moody and minimalists covers all intended to make them look like the P.D. James or Elizabeth George of their era. They even used a larger than normal print in order to bloat the page-count, which made them look like large-print editions for the visually impaired.
I have this and I am reading it, but unfortunately it look's like I'm totally unmotivated for anything involving reading at the moment. I have an idea for the first murder but I'm probably wrong.
ReplyDeleteStill nice to hear it's a good one!
And I too hope that the next one will not take so long.
Also having seen one Mitarai TV special, I understand what Ho-ling is talking about with the "Event interpretation".
Take your time and savor this one. You'll get a real treat when you reach the solution.
DeleteThe Mitarai movie The Clockwork Current (made by the same team of the TV special) has a problem of a bigger scale for Mitarai to solve, though that's more because it's about a few minor incidents that all connect in surprising ways. The ending is on... a weird scale.
DeleteWell, this sounds delightful -- goddamn my TBR is ridiculous and I may not get to it for a couple of months yet, but I'm super excited that you're so taken with this overall.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, we don't have to wait another decade for the next translation to come around. I need my traditional Japanese mystery fix.
Louise Heal Kawai, the translator of this, left a comment on my blog recently to the effect that she's currently working on a first translation of Seishi Yokomizo's Murder in the Honjin. Who knows when we'll see it, but I'm guessing in less than a decade -- very exciting!
She did a great job here and look forward to her translation of Seishi Yokomizo, which also has been long overdue. Only downside is that we probably have to wait another year for it to be published.
DeleteWell, I can always reread Akimitsu Takagi's The Tattoo Murder Case to bridge the gap.
I remember John Pugmire's comment from
that it was to be published this year. Hopefully he's right. I mean it's still February :)
I forgot about that comment, but yeah, it's still only February. So here's hoping it comes out sometime this year.
DeleteJJ - less than a decade? You crack me up. You can expect the Honjin Murders (title change) by the end of the year.
DeleteAnd thank you for the shout-out Tom Cat. Translators always appreciate a mention - we put a huge amount of work into getting those novels to sound just right #nametetranslator
DeleteThe locked room trick from The Kubikiri Cycle is a good example of this. All it took was a headless body to pull it off.
DeleteWe really getting it this year! That's great news and you really did an amazing job on Murder in the Crooked House. I have been looking forward to it ever since reading The Tokyo Zodiac Murders.
By the way, my fellow blogger, Ho-Ling, posted an incredible review, back in November, of Imamura Masahiro's Shijinsou no satsujin (The Murders in the Villa of the Dead), which needs to be translated. A classic country house mystery in a village crawling with real zombies! Commercially, it's interesting because it can be billed as both a detective and horror novel to attract a wider audience. So I just wanted to bring it under your attention in the hope it might reach the higher ups of Vertigo.
Got it. Not that I have much influence, but I'll definitely take a look.
DeleteCurrently reading this one as well, and very much enjoying it. So much so that I didn't read the majority of your review, to remain as ignorant as possible of the progression. But I will come back to it! Anyway, my main reason for commenting here is to let your readers know that Murder in the Honjin is available in Spanish translation, for those who may have some facility in that language. It's under the title Asesinato en el honjin y otros relatos, trans. Kazumi Hasegawa, Quaterni 2017.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late response, but hope you are, or have, enjoyed the book. Thanks for letting us know about the Spanish translation, but I'm afraid most of us will have to wait until the English translation is released.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello! I hope this comment thread is still alive because I wanted to let you know that The Honjin Murders bu Seishi Yokomizo, featuring Detective Kosuke Kindaichi, (and translated by me, Louise Heal Kawai) is out December 5th from Pushkin Vertigo. (ALternatively is there a better place for me to post this comment?)
I'm eagerly looking forward to the arrival of my copy, Louise! Hopefully, this will not be the last translation of Yokomizo to appear in English. Unfortunately, I don't have a more suitable review/post up at the moment, but feel free to copy-spam your comment in those recent blog-posts. :)
DeleteThank you. I will see if I can find some places to post. Could you suggest any other blogs?
DeleteBy the way, Pushkin Vertigo will release The Inugami Curse, also by Seishi Yokomizo, in February. However you should be aware that if you have already read The Inugami Clan, this is the same book (and same translation.)
I can assure you that Pushkin plans to translate more Yokomizo in the future. And that I hope to be involved.