Years ago, I compiled a
list, entitled "My
Favorite Locked Room Mysteries II: Short Stories and Novellas,"
which covered, as one of the comments pointed out, impossible crime
tales from the well-known locked room anthologies amalgamated with a
handful of more obscure stories – such as Robert
Arthur's unsung classic "The Glass Bridge" (collected in
and More Mystery, 1966). I wanted to update this list for
years, but simply had not enough material at my disposal to expend on

Rice's "...And Be Merry" is a short-short story of three
pages, originally published in the January, 1954, issue of Manhunt
and confronts John J. Malone with the impossible poisoning of Alma
Madison. She was found dead in a locked dinette, but Captain von
Flanagan, of Homicide, told Malone they had been unable to find even "a trace of cyanide in that whole apartment." The victim
was under treatment of a psychiatrist and the explanation hinges on
her eccentric behavior. An unusual short-short impossible crime
story, but, sadly, also a very forgettable one.
Charles Larson's "Mail
Me My Tombstone" appears to have been only published in the April,
1943, issue of Ten Detective Aces and is not listed in Robert
Adey's Locked Room Murders (1991).
Jim is a happily married
writer of detective stories, but "the mad jangling" of the
telephone briefly turns his life upside down. An old flame, named
Rita Manning, has been arrested for the murder of her husband, Steven
Loring, who was "a big-time gambler," but Rita tells him
she was with her mother when three witnesses heard gun shots from
inside the house – she wants Jim to solve the murder by posing as
her lawyer. A complicating factor is that the house was securely
locked and bolted from the inside with the sooth in chimney
undisturbed. A minor, but pleasant, story with a solution obviously
derived from a famous short story and the locked room-trick is a
slight modification of an age-old trick.
Ed Bryant's "The Lurker
in the Locked Bedroom" was originally published in the June, 1971,
issue of Fantastic and blends fantasy, horror and contemporary
crime fiction with a psychic detective and a classic locked room
scenario – which was somewhat reminiscent of Edogawa
Rampo (e.g. "The Human Chair" and "The Stalker in the
Attic"). Aleister Houghman is called to the Swithit Hotel for Young
Ladies where three young women have been assaulted and raped in Room
491, but the door of the room has "a latch, a safety chain and
two bolt-type locks." So how did the perpetrator managed to get
to the women? The solution is a pure, undiluted fantasy with a great
and darkly humorous take on a classic trope of the horror genre,
which kind of disqualifies it as a locked room mystery. However, it
certainly is a memorable treatment of the impossible crime story.

Police Constable Tom
Brandon overhears a conversation in the bar of The Jolly Sailor about
five hundred pounds, an elderly aunt and being "fed up lookin'
after the old lady." A week later, P.C. Brandon is walking his
beat when this conversation comes floating back to him when, behind
the locked front door of a house, he hears "a faint scream and a
series of heavy thuds." The front door is unlocked and they
find the elderly aunt at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck.
Unfortunately, the story was way too short to play and the solution
too technical to be completely fair with the reader, but it certainly
was a good police story. I liked it.
The next story I read was
Harry Kemelman's "The Man on the Ladder," collected The
Nine Mile Walk and Other Stories (1968), which everyone
appears to like, but I didn't care for it at all. The
quasi-impossible situation is a man falling to his death from a roof
and the murderer has an iron-clad alibi, but the solution was
infuriatingly obvious. And this made the second half a drag to read.
Finally, Eric Ambler's "The Case of the Overheated Service Flat," originally published
in the July 24, 1940, issue of The Sketch and is one of only
half-a-dozen short stories about the refugee Czech detective, Dr. Jan
Czissar – who's a thorn in the side of Assistant-Commissioner
Mercer. In this story, the police is trying to hook a notorious
wife-killer, Thomas Jones, who prematurely buried three wives after
they tragically died from carbon-monoxide poisoning. These deaths
have left him a man of independent means, but the first two deaths
have been shelved as unfortunate accidents. And the police really
want to nail him for the murder of his third wife. Only problem is
how to proof it.
The premise of the story
is very similar to Arthur
Porges' "The Scientist and the Wife Killer," collected The
Curious Cases of Cyriack Skinner Grey (2009), which even has
a clever, science-based solution that you would expect from Porges! I
really liked this tale and you can expect me to return to this series
at some point in the future.
So, all in all, this
medley of impossible crime stories was the expected mixed bag of
tricks, but I'm glad I can now cross them off my locked room column
of my to-be-read list. I'll try to pick a non-impossible crime novel
for my next read.
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