"We have in effect put all our rotten eggs in one basket. And we intend to watch this basket carefully."- Colonel Von Luger (The Great Escape, 1963)
Dan of "The
Reader is Warned" compiled a two-part list, titled "5
Impossible Crime 'Thrillers' to Try” and "5
More Impossible 'Thrillers' to Try," which made a decent
attempt at listing all the notable, high-paced thrillers with a
locked room or impossible crime element, but both lists omitted the
best specimen of this particular blend of crime-fiction – namely
Gilbert's outstanding Death in Captivity (1952). After
littering Dan's comment-section with recommendations for the book, I
decided to take down my copy from the shelves to see if it could
stand re-reading. And it absolutely did!
in Captivity was reprinted in 2007 by the now defunct Rue Morgue
Press, under its US title The Danger Within, which came with a
foreword by Tom and Enid Schantz briefly going over Gilbert's
personal experiences as a prisoner-of-war in Italy during World War

aspect that sets this book apart from other World War II mystery-and
thriller novels is that it deals primarily with the Fascisti
of Italy rather than the Nazis of Germany.
Danger Within takes place in Campo 127, "easily the best
camp" one of the prisoners had been in, but perhaps the most "comfortably lodged" group of prisoners are the six men
held in Room 10 in Hut C. As a rule, the rooms were designed to hold
eight men and usually overflowed with "ten or even twelve less
fortunate prisoners." Captain Benucci had ordered the men, all
of them notorious escapees, to occupy the same room. Reasoning that
if he had "six dangerous criminals to watch, it was easier, on a
whole, to have them together," but that only pooled all of
their knowledge and experience in one place – resulting in "the
oldest of existing undiscovered tunnels in the camp." A tunnel
Colonnello Aletti, Commandant of Campo 127, claimed simply could not
entrance to this tunnel lay in the kitchen of Hut C and in the middle
of this cookery, set in a six-foot slab of concrete let into the
tiled floor, stood a stove. A huge cauldron, shaped like "a
laundry copper," which hid a trapdoor to the tunnel and could
only be revealed by the combined effort of four strong men with
assistance of double pulleys – effectively evading discovery by
being "too big to see." I thought this was a nice little
Chestertonian touch to the all-important secret tunnel that will play
a key role throughout the entirety of the story.
day, the protagonist of the story, Captain Henry "Cuckoo" Goyles,
crawls down to the tunnel to continue work, but discovers that during
the night part of the roof had come down. Inexplicably, there's a
body underneath the pile of fallen sand at the end of the tunnel.
Something that should not be possible, because this person could not
have gained access to the tunnel on his own nor could an outside
group have entered the locked Hut C after nightfall. Even more
troublesome is that the victim is identified as a Greek POW, Cyriakos
Coutoules, who's suspected by everyone of being a stool-pigeon for
the Italians or even a double-agent in the employ of the Nazis.
of the special detainees in Hut C, Captain Roger Byles and Captain
Alex Overstrand, had previously uttered threats to lynch Coutoules.
However, their immediate problem of Hut C and Colonel Baird, head of
the Escape Committee, is how to tackle the problem of a dead man
cluttering the best tunnel they had. So they decide to dump the body
in a smaller tunnel, located in Hut A, that had been "allotted
low priority by the Escape Committee" and stage a roof collapse
there, but how they move the body from one hut to another, under the
nose of the guards, is one of my favorite and funniest scenes of the
entire story – something of a cross between 'Allo, 'Allo (war-time setting) and Fawlty Towers (the
episode Kipper
and the Corpse, 1979).
occasionally get these brief burst of typical British humor. Such as
when some of the prisoners are preparing a stage-play and they pick
one in which one of the characters, rapturously, exclaims "Italy!
Oh, it's hard to take in even the bare possibility of going there.
My promised land, Doctor, which I never thought to see otherwise than
in dreams." Needless to say, that line brought the house down.

events at the POW camp take place against the backdrop of the
impending invasions of Sicily and the Italian mainland by Allies,
eventually culminating in the disposal of Benito Mussolini, but the
consequences of an Allied victory in Italy is a double-edged knife
for both parties at the camp. On the one hand, the POWs fully realize
the Germans aren't going to set free the sixty thousand prisoners in
Italy and that, one day, they could simply find themselves being put
on a train "to Krautland." On the other hand, the
card-carrying members of the Fascist Party, such as Captain Benucci
and the sinister Mordaci of the Carabinieri Reali, know
they'll be put in front of a military tribunal when the Allies arrive
– which would probably end with them having to face a firing squad.
the inexplicable death of Coutoules and the accompanying cloud of
suspicions does very little to improve the slightly strained
situation at the camp, but the situation becomes rather serious when
Captain Byles is charged by Benucci with the murder of the Greek POW
and is placed in solitary confinement – condemned to die in several
days time. Captain "Cuckoo" Goyles is asked by the Escape
Committee to investigate who killed Coutoules, why and where. And,
most importantly, how his body ended up in the tunnel.
my opinion, the explanation for the impossible appearance of a body
in a hermetically sealed, air-tight and blocked tunnel is as
simplistic and logical as it's original. A one-of-a-kind
impossibility in a completely unique crime novel that performed a
perfect juggling act with its detective story elements, thriller
components and spy material. Gilbert never allowed one of those
elements to overshadow the other, but neither were they diluted. They
worked in perfect harmony with one another. For example, the clues
that will help you solve the detective story elements are provided by
some of the more gruesome, thriller-ish aspects of the plot. You'll
know what I mean when you get to it.
Danger Within is an impressive and perfect latticework of
differing genres, which is what makes it impossible to pigeonhole the
book, but the climax of the story is a fine piece of wartime fiction
as the inmates of Campo 127 prepare themselves to make "The Great
Crawl." A fitting end to this semi-autobiographical wartime crime
story. An ending that fitted like the final piece of the puzzle that
completed the whole picture of this marvelously clever and exciting
story. I simply can't recommend this one enough.
end this review by saying that re-reading The Danger Within
has inspired me to finally airlift my other Gilbert titled from the
snow-capped tops of Mt. To-Be-Read. I'm not sure which titles
actually reside there, but I believe they were Close Quarters
(1947), Death Has Deep Roots (1951) and The Killing of
Katie Steelstock (1980). So you can look forward to a review of
one of those titles in the hopefully not so distant future.
Kate at Cross Examining Crime and Mike of Only Detect also reviewed
the book (here
and here),
while Sergio of Tipping My Fedora reviewed the 1959 movie based on
the book (here).