"Something happens in this house, and no living soul knows what it is, for they who have seen it have never yet survived to tell the tale. It's not more than a week back that a young gentleman came here. He was like you, bold as brass, and he too wanted a bed, and would take no denial. I told him plain, and so did my man, that the place was haunted. He didn't mind no more than you mind. Well, he slept in the only room we have got for guests, and he—he died there."- Liz (L.T. Meade & Robert Eustace's "The Mystery of the Circular Chamber," from A Master of Mysteries, 1898)
Secret of
the Blue Room is a black and white movie
thriller/detective from 1933 and was based on a German movie from the previous
year, Geheimnis des Blauen
Zimmers, which received two additional remakes by Universal – one as The
Missing Guest in 1938 and the other as Murder in the Blue Room in
The original
remake of the German movie was considered to be a lost movie, before it
apparently resurfaced some years ago and now you can even watch it on YouTube.

The location
of the movie is an old, medieval castle in the possession of Robert von
Helldorf (Lionel Atwill), Lord of the Manor, who's hosting a birthday party for
his daughter, Irene (Gloria Stuart), and invited three of her friends and
potential suitors – Captain Walter Brinks (Paul Lukas), reporter Frank Faber (Onslow
Stevens) and a young cub named Thomas Brandt (William Janney).
They have a
gay old time, playing the piano and singing songs, but when they sit down for
drinks and cigarettes the conversation turns to the subject of ghosts. Lord von
Helldorf is pressed by the party to tell the story of the Blue Room, which
harbors a tragic and bloody history. Von Helldorf's sister and best friend died
under peculiar circumstances in the Blue Room and suicide appeared as
unfeasible as murder, because motives and means were lacking.
A third
tragedy happened when "a detective made up his mind to spend a night in the
blue room," but in the morning they found him on the floor "with his
face frozen in a look of agonizing horror." He had died of fright! The room
was locked and remained unopened for twenty years.
The three
suitors want to prove their courage to Irene and decide to each spend a night
alone in the murderous room, but the place lives up to its reputation and
Brandt is the first to go. There was only key to the room and it was stuck in the
lock from the inside. The open window had a drop of several feet and landed in
a moat, but the body is not found and suicide is as unlikely as murder – just like
twenty years ago!
Note for the
curious here: Secret of the Blue Room is a low-budget movie and this was
apparent when they forced the door by ever so gingerly nudging it, because I
suspect everything around them might have come crashing down had they applied any real
force to the set piece. A door that can be forced that easily can be opened and closed with a
large paperclip. Anyhow...
After having
absorbed its first victim in two decades, the room truly awakens from dormancy
and Faber is shot there while playing on the piano. A gun vanishes from the
room after it was locked and Irene is attacked by a mysterious man, which is
the point where they decide to call in the police – arriving in the form of Commissioner
Forster (Edward Arnold).
questioning of the occupants and servants of the castle by Commissioner Forster
is interspersed with vignettes from the servant quarters, populated by some enjoyable
characters, before the room is being investigated and several traps are sprung –
ending with a gunfight between the murderer and last remaining suitor inside
the castle.
Secret of
the Blue Room is an unpretentious, well-paced compound
of the thriller and mystery genre with elements of the classic horror story
with its dark, wind battered castle, but robbed itself of a classic status by
plundering the moth-eaten bag of tricks from the late 1800s for the explanation.
A seasoned mystery addict will recognize the bits and pieces borrowed from
Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902) and "The Empty House,"
from The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1903), but the overall movie was too
charming and fun to care about the punctuation marks that ended it. The plot may've been littered with old tropes, but the movie used them very well.