Back in January, I
reviewed D.L. Champion's "The
Day Nobody Died," a richly plotted locked room mystery from the
pages of Dime Detective Magazine, which resembled one of those
clever short stories by Ellery
Queen, but as good as the plot were the cast of series-characters
– spearheaded by an angry, bitter and unhinged former police
detective. Deputy Inspector Allhoff of the New York Police Department
was "the NYPD's ace detective" until "bullets from a
mobster's machine gun robbed him of his legs."
Allhoff was too good a
detective to lose and the department creatively doctored the books to
keep him, unofficially, employed and refer to him "such cases as
the department couldn't or wouldn't handle." Lamentably, the
consequences of that botched arrest and shootout would continue to
extract a heavy toll on everyone involved.
Deputy Inspector Allhoff
lost not only his legs and a promising career, but had to move into a
filthy, cockroach infested flophouse across from headquarters. As a
result, his sanity buckled under the traumatic injuries to both his
mind and body, turning him into "a bitter misanthrope,"
who delighted in verbally abusing and mentally torturing the man he
personally holds responsible for his situation, Patrolman Battersly –
who Allhoff demanded be assigned to him as his personal assistant.
Battersly is routinely bullied by Allhoff with "grotesquely
embellished" accounts of his "momentary cowardice."
This has left the young policeman in a constant state of anxiety.
Stuck between this rock
and a hard place is the narrator of the series, Sergeant Simmonds,
who had been "dragged down from a good desk job" to take
care of the paperwork, but is to ensure Allhoff and Battersly don't
kill each other. And he was slowly going nuts as he had to watch
Allhoff's "cunning mind devise new methods of torturing the
younger man."
A few years ago, Altus
Press began reissuing this series, seventeen of the twenty-nine
stories, which were collected in The Complete Cases of Inspector
Allhoff, vol. 1 (2014) and The Complete Cases of Inspector
Allhoff, vol. 2 (2018) with an introduction by Ed Hulse. I'm not
overly familiar with the pulps, but, going by what little I have
read, this series was certainly better than "the typical
penny-a-word prose found in the Bloody Pulps." So let's take
these stories down from the top.
I'll try to keep the
reviews of the individual stories as brief as possible to prevent
this blog-post from becoming a bloated mess.
This collection opens
with "Footprints on a Brain," originally published in the July,
1938, issue of Dime Detective Magazine (hereafter, DDM)
and brings Detective-Sergeant Carrigan, of the Chicago Police, to New
York when the person he had been assigned to protect died under
suspicious circumstances – which could have either been a suicide
or murder. Richard B. Hadley was dying of cancer and had been working
on a tell-all memoirs, but, when he had completed the manuscript, he
apparently turned a gun on himself and pulled the trigger. However,
Carrigan believes he had been murdered. Allhoff agrees with his
opinion and deduces part of the truth from such clues as a pack of
razor blades, a postage stamp and the chattering of Chimney Swallows.
The other part, namely ensnaring the murderer, requires the setting
of a clever little trap.
So, as the introductory
story in this series, Champion had to establish his series-characters
and their bizarre, borderline sadomasochistic relationship. This
means there's more abuse here than normally. Allhoff really goes to
town on poor Battersly and, by the end of the story, he's reduced to
a broken, sobbing mess of a human being. Allhoff deserves sympathy
for having lost his legs, but makes it impossible to give him any,
because he's a first-ballot Hall of Fame piece of shit.
The next story, "I'll
Be Glad When You're Dead," originally appeared in the September,
1938, issue of DDM and this time it's not Battersly who takes
the brunt of Allhoff's abuse, but one of "the smartest and
crookedest lawyer" in town, Philips – who had "bought
more juries than Jim Brady had diamonds." Philips made the
mistake to call Allhoff a legless, smug little gnome and proceeded to
throw coffee in his face. So now he's determined to nail the lawyer
for the murder of his business partner, Gregory L. Somers, who was
found with a bullet in his head on the floor of his office.
Don't worry, this is an
inverted detective story, of sorts, in which Allhoff plays a risky
game of cat-and-mouse with a crooked, but highly influential, lawyer.
Sergeant Simmonds even remarks that, if he can think his way out of
this mess, he'll "go down in history as Machiavelli, the
second." Allhoff undeniably has a Machiavellian streak and a
complete disregard for the rule of law, which is a fatal combination
that planted Philips in the electric chair. So a good how-to-catch'em
type of crime story.
The third story, "Lock
the Death House Door," was originally published in December, 1938,
issue of DDM and is the second impossible crime in this series
listed by Adey in Locked Room Murders (1991). But I hope there
are more in this, until recently, incredibly obscure and hard-to-get
Battersly has had a date
with Ruth Manning and she happens to be the daughter of a convicted
murderer, Morris Manning, who Allhoff put on death row and is less
than twelve hours removed from his execution, which Allhoff
sadistically use as cudgel – telling Battersly to remember he put
her father on the chair when he's wiping away her tears. However,
Battersly has an unpleasant surprise for Allhoff. The D.A. office is
“digging out a pardon for Manning” on the strength of
evidence Battersly has uncovered. Someone even confessed to have been
the murderer. Allhoff is beyond himself with fury and vindictively
sets out to destroy the newly surfaced evidence, because Manning must
and shall burn in the hot seat – a problem complicated when the man
who had confessed is murdered in locked and guarded prison cell. This
is another how-to-catch'ems with a simplistic locked room mystery
thrown in the works.
So not quite the classic
locked room story, like "The Day Nobody Died," but still a good
The next story is "Cover
the Corpse's Eye," first published in the July, 1939, issue of DDM,
which began on a positive note for the downtrodden, browbeaten
Battersly. He was instrumental in the arrest of a notorious murderer,
Ronnie Regan, who appears to have shot and robbed a well-known
banker, Alfred Sontag. Allhoff was livid and relentlessly started to
rain on his parade by finding someone else to put in the electric
chair. The solution is not entirely original and very pulpy, but it
was adeptly handled here by Champion.
"Dead and Dumb" was
originally published in the October, 1939, issue of DDM and
opens with the absolutely impossible, not a murder in a hermetically
sealed room, but peace and tranquility reigning in the slum office of
Allhoff, which has miraculously persisted for five days. Sergeant
Simmonds even heard him singing fragments of The Missouri Waltz!
This changes the moment a cab-driver staggered into the room,
supporting a mortally wounded man, who had demanded to be brought to
Allhoff instead of the hospital.
Unluckily, the victim is
a deaf mute and he dies before he can communicate with them, but
Allhoff is clever enough to link this murder to a reported suicide at
the Rickerts Institute, on Long Island, which is an asylum for deaf
mutes – where a third murder is committed right under Allhoff's
nose. A suicidal move when you're faced with an unforgiving,
vindictive and merciless opponent, like Allhoff, who only finds
pleasure in cornering people. And watch them squirm. Another good
story with an interesting background and a clever take on a very
EQ-like motive.
The next story, "A
Corpse for Christmas," was originally published in the December,
1939, issue of DDM and is, without question, the standout
story of the collection.
The story opens two days
before Christmas and Allhoff is bah-humbugging the merriment of the
season. A merry period in which "a million morons get drunk"
and go home "to beat their wives" or the Nazis who'll "undoubtedly blow thousands of British into little pieces,"
but the demented Ebenezer Scrooge in deerstalker is visited by his
very own Ghost of Christmas – who becomes one of his most
formidable opponents in this series. A breathtakingly beautiful woman
visits the slum apartment on behalf of the Society League's Holiday
Aid Organization. She brought a covered basket with "a real
old-fashioned Christmas dinner to the worthy poor."
Allhoff is furious at
this kindly offer, but exploded when the woman tells him not to let
his "foolish pride" stand in the way of a delicious
turkey, because why would he deprive himself of "two fat legs."
That remark was the proverbial match that lit the powderkeg. However,
Allhoff has not seen the last of this unflappable woman. She turns up
again in a bizarre murder/suicide case on Long Island, but she
possesses a cast-iron alibi. At the time of the double shooting, she
was in the apartment getting yelled at by Allhoff. So, if she did it,
how could she have been in two places at the same time. An excellent
detective story with an alibi-trick worthy of the alibi-breaking
stories by Christopher
The next story is "Sergeants Should Never Sleep" was originally published in the
March, 1940, issue of DDM, which turned out the be only dud in
the collection. The story began promisingly with Sergeant Paul
Hamtrack requesting to be temporarily assigned to Allhoff, in order
to study his method's first hand, but Sergeant Hamtrack is notorious
career yes-man. Adding an additional strain to the torturous, daily
routine of Battersly and Simmonds. Unfortunately, the apparent
problem of "a killing done by a sneak thief" degenerates
into a World War II spy tale with an obvious solution.
The next story, "Turn
in Your Badge," was culled from the pages of the June, 1940, issue
of DDM and opens with the news that the body of Lieutenant
Mike Arnold, of the Racketeering Squad, had been pulled out of the
river with his feet in a block of concrete and his tongue cut out –
complemented by nine bullet holes. Allhoff is shocked by the news and
annoyed that his daily reports from Headquarters are late, but this
has a very good reason. Acting Commissioner Blakely has decided to
sever their "unofficial connection" and gives him a week
to sort out his affairs. Allhoff was fucking furious.

Blakely arrested a
well-known gangster for the murder of Sergeant Arnold and Allhoff is
convinced the murderer disguised his work as a mob killing, because
it was complete overkill. So he wants to find the real murderer and
uses the life of an innocent man to mercilessly destroy Blakely and
secure his unofficial standing within the department. Battersly and
Simmonds were not happy with this outcome, to say the least. And they
were so close to freedom they could actually taste it.
"There Was a Crooked
Man" is the penultimate story, originally published in the August,
1940, issue of DDM and has Allhoff rudely turning down a huge
fee to privately investigate a murder, but accepts an offer to
investigate the very same murder when a crippled man asks him to.
Champion used a lot of handicapped characters in his stories and, in
this volume alone, there are blind characters, deaf mutes and
cripples, which also play some part in the solution. So I was able to
foresee which direction the plot was taking. Still a very well put
together story, but the solution was not difficult to anticipate.
Finally, the collection
closes with "Suicide in Blue," first published in the October,
1940, issue of DDM, which is a quasi-impossible crime about a
series of threatening extortion letters demanding money and refusal
to pay has fatal consequences – accurately predicting the date and
time of their date. One of the victim's a policeman, Sergeant
Wheeler, who apparently committed suicide with his own Service
Revolver. Obviously, this turned the suicide into a murder, but
Allhoff disagrees and sets out to prove a suicide and find a
murderer. And, of course, he pulls it off. However, Allhoff pulls one
of his nastiest trick to date on poor Battersly. Something that could
have easily pushed him over the edge. What can I say? Allhoff is a
bit of a dick.
So, all in all, The
Complete Cases of Inspector Allhoff is an excellent volume of
high-quality pulp detective stories full with grotesque, broken
characters, sordid murders and often clever plots, but not every
reader today will be able to put up with the vindictive, acid-tongued
Allhoff. A truly sadistic, mentally unhinged character and the
ultimate anti-hero. In my opinion, the only true weaknesses is that
every single story goes over the series origin story, which becomes
repetitive after the third or fourth story. You can easily skip these
endlessly rewritten passages after the first story. My second
complaint is that only one of the stories, "A Corpse for
Christmas," came close to the superb "The Day Nobody Died."
Most of the stories here were pretty good, but not anywhere near that
classic short story.
However, this will not
deter me from getting the second volume. Despite the sadistic, broken
and weary main-characters, Champion created an original and
unforgettable series like no other in the genre. Simply fascinating
and highly recommended, if you think you can stomach Allhoff.