December 20, 1893, The Half-Penny Marvel published "The
Missing Millionaire" by "Hal Meredeth," a penname of Harry
Blythe, which marked the first appearance of the most prolific
Sherlock Holmes imitators in all of popular fiction, Sexton
Blake, whose bibliography comprises of an astonishing 4,000
stories – written by over 200 different writers. A prolific run of
eight decades that ended up encompassing short stories, novels, stage
plays, comic books, silent movies, talkies, radio serials and even a
TV-series in the 1960s.
the sheer size and volume of the Sexton Blake Library has earned the
series its own separate wing in the crime-genre, but, as everyone
knows, quantity is rarely a substitute for quality. And this series
is no exception.
Blake is synonymous with tawdry, formulaic thrillers with
run-of-the-mill action scenes, pulpy gangsters and super-human
villains (i.e. Waldo the Wonderman). That may be why I was never
compelled to explore this series. A chronic lack of interest that
persisted even when I learned that one of the greatest authorities on
the impossible crime story, Derek
Smith, had tried his hands at one that faced Blake with "a
sealed room murder," which is usually more than enough to get
my full attention – except that this time even that didn't work. A
Sexton Blake novel simply did not appeal to me. No matter who wrote
is, until that infernal nuisance, "JJ," posted a review
on his blog claiming Smith's wrote "a legitimate excellent"
Blake story filled "lovely clues." Showing what could have
been had the writers not turned Blake in bargain basement cross
between Sherlock Holmes and James Bond.
I decided to get myself a copy of Model for Murder (1952),
which went unpublished during Smith's lifetime, but was finally
printed in The Derek Smith Omnibus (2014) along with Whistle
Up the Devil (1954), Come
to Paddington Fair (1997) and a short story – titled "The
Imperfect Crime." Admittedly, the story was better than I expected
even after the positive review from JJ. Most notably the opening
chapters and a conclusion that resembles a contortion act!
Pugmire's Locked Room
International published The Derek Smith Omnibus and
speculated Model for Murder was probably "too cerebral
for the audience," which would explain why it collected dust
for sixty years. Anyway...
for Murder, or Model Murder, begins when an artist's
model, Linda Martin, hurries to Baker Street on behalf of her
employer, Leo Garvary, a once well-known sculptor who has been
receiving anonymous letters of a threatening nature. That morning,
Garvary received another threatening letter, but this he confided in
Martin that he finally guessed who sent him and asked her to fetch
Blake – who happens to be abroad on a case of national importance.
So the task falls on the shoulders of his assistant, Tinker, whose
role in this story genuinely surprised me.
is definitely not your regular Dr. Watson or Capt. Hastings, more of
an Archie Goodwin-type of character, who actually solves the locked
room problem before Blake officially enters the picture. But I'm
getting ahead of myself.
Tinker and Martin arrive at the studio, they see the eccentric
Garvary standing by the door of his soundproof studio. He looks at
them, enters the studio, slams and locks the door behind him and
that's the last time they see him alive, because when a spare key
from the desk clerk opens the door they find an empty studio. All of
the windows are "securely latched" from the inside. A
transom was secured by a triple notched bar and a second door was
locked and bolted on the studio side. After a brief search, they find
Garvary's body in one of the cupboards lining the left and right hand
wall, but not an atom of proof someone had been present in the room
to fire the gun.
the locked room trick is not as ingenious as the one from Whistle Up
the Devil and basically reuses an age-old technique to leave behind a
locked crime-scene. So you should not go into the book expecting a
knock-out classic like his second impossible crime novel, but
admittedly, Smith used this technique with the expertise of locked
room expert. Smith mentioned two potential explanations,
trick-windows that slide into the wall and a hollow statue, which
gave me an idea for an alternative explanation.
the possibility of a hollow statue was mentioned, my mind immediately
conjured up the image of a Russian nesting doll. You see, there were
three cupboards on each side of the room.

the solution to the locked room murder turned out to be very
different. Surprisingly, Tinker not only worked out the locked room
trick, but demonstrated the trick to a baffled police constable, who
demanded answers, which he refused to do until he had spoken to his
employer – only to get shot and seriously wounded a short time
later. A shooting briefly presented as a (semi) impossibility, but
this aspect is quickly dispelled by a discovery in the hearth.
any case, this murderous attempt effectively removed Tinker from the
stage and left Blake with the daunting task to work out an
explanation based on the breadcrumbs of information his assistant
left behind. However, the pure detective elements from the opening
chapters began to dilute in the middle section.
reader knows by this point who shot Tinker and that this person has a
connection with a shadowy underworld figure, but, more importantly,
the gunman is determined to get his hands on a little black book
filled with information of his criminal enterprise. So the seedy
thriller elements really kick in here and this person even kidnaps
and physically abuses Martin. This portion of the plot is the part
that adheres to the formula of the series.
Smith came back strong in the final stages of the story by serving a
triple-layered solution to the reader. A solution that volleyed the
guilt of the murder between two characters. This is likely the part
that was too cerebral for its intended audience, because the
conclusion is everything you'd expect from a legitimate expert on the
traditional detective story. Model for Murder should have been
a model for this series during its twilight years. It would be funny
if this series had gone against the trend
summation, Model for Murder is an interesting experiment of a
traditional-minded mystery writer attempting to worm a puzzle-plot
into the formula of a cheap, action-oriented series of pulp-thrillers
and defied expectations by succeeding – better than he had any
right to. I probably will never read another Sexton Blake story in my
life, but glad I took a change on this one. I really like Smith and
this world is a poorer place for the fact that he only wrote three
(locked room) novels.
I referred to JJ's review earlier and in it he mentioned a confusing
fact regarding the locked door of the studio. JJ said that the door
was described as not having a keyhole, but was unlocked with a key a
few pages later. I think JJ misunderstood this. The door didn't have
an old-fashioned keyhole that you can look through, which were still
common (indoors) in the fifties, but there was a modern lock on the
door. A yale lock. So Smith didn't make a sloppy mistake there.
I am delighted that you enjoyed this as much as you did -- it's a really very inventive and ingenious piece of detective plotting, and we'd all be devastated if Smith had never written anything after this. I can also confirm that you may now retire from the Sexton Blake canon without missing a single thing...they're not good stories, and did not deserve the quality that Smith was attempting to bring to them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the point about the Yale lock, too. I realise now that I had envisioned this taking place much earlier than the 1950s (Blake always has that sniff of Imperialism about the stories, so I was putting these events in a 1900s milieu). Of course, whenever one sees "keyhole" in an imposible crime story the image that leaps to mind is the classic large gaping hole of yore rather than the sleek modern Yale lock. So, yeah, thanks for clearing that up.
"I can also confirm that you may now retire from the Sexton Blake canon without missing a single thing..."
DeleteI poked around the Sexton Blake Library, hoping to find something that looked half decent, but turned up empty handed. Nothing I came across appealed to me. There are, however, some impossible crime stories listed by Adey in Locked Room Murders, but seriously doubt any of them can hold a candle to Model for Murder.
So, who knows, if I ever come across one of the other locked room stories, I might take a crack at it. But that's as far as I'll go with this series.
Ugh, now you have me in a quandary...do I want to know some of those Adey titles just in case, or have I done my time with Blake...? Life's too short, right? I've still got plenty of other books to read that will be more worthy of my time. Right?
DeleteOh, we shouldn't go out of our way to get one of them, but, if one happens to come my way, I'll probably take a crack at it. A good portion of them are already in the public domain. So we just have to wait and see what more will become available in the coming years.
DeleteI enjoyed Derek Smith's first novel, and so I'm glad to hear that his two subsequent works were strong offerings too. Am I right in thinking reading 'Model for Murder' wouldn't spoil 'Come to Paddington Fair'?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. They're two different series. So no spoilers.
DeleteI have read one Sexton Blake: Mystery of the Green Bottle and found it fairly good. Have been meaning to try his other books too.
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, have you heard of this book which is creating a lot of buzz: The Seven (and a half) Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. A reviewer described it as a 'locked room mystery like no other.' If you ever read it, I'd be interested in your views. Here's a link:
I've heard about the book, but not really looked into it. But it sounds interesting. I'll take a peek at it when my current pile has (somewhat) diminished.