"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."- Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless, 1992)
Sladek is perhaps best remembered as a satirist and an author of
science-and speculative fiction, usually written with a humorous
bend, but he also made a brief excursion into the realm of
crime-fiction during the 1970s and penned two highly regarded locked
room novels – alongside a few surprisingly obscure short stories.
the early 70s, the Times of London held a short story
competition for detective fiction and no less a figure than Agatha
Christie served on the jury. Over a thousand short stories were
submitted, but Sladek's "By an Unknown Hand" emerged victorious
and became the centerpiece of The Times of London Anthology of
Detective Stories (1973). However, the real prize for Sladek was
an opportunity to write a full-length mystery novel and this resulted
in a shimmering gem of the modern, post-World War II era. A genuine
Aura (1974) is widely regarded as one of the best locked room
novels the genre has ever produced and was followed by Invisible
Green (1977), which is less popular, but still relatively
well thought of by aficionados of impossible crime fiction – who
usually acknowledge that the latter failed to live up to its
predecessor. Regardless of the uneven quality between both titles,
they cemented Sladek's reputation as a notable practitioner of the
locked room mystery and we all mourned the fact that the he only
wrote two of them. But as Sladek once remarked in jest, "one
could starve very quickly writing locked room mysteries" in the
modern era.
most readers who loved his two novels seem to be unaware he penned
nearly a dozen short detective stories, which were largely gathered
in the posthumously published Maps: The Uncollected John Sladek
(2002). The highlight of that compilation, for mystery readers, is
the inclusion of two short stories about Thackeray Phin, who was also
at the helm of Black Aura and Invisible Green, but
these short pieces definitely measure up to the novels.
first of these short stories is, of course, "By an Unknown Hand,"
which introduces Sladek's take on the Great Detective, Thackeray
Phin, who's an American philosophy professor living in England and
advertises himself as a "professional logician and amateur
sleuth" - one who would welcome a challenge. Phin has always
dreamed of being a detective and is elated when the owner of an art
gallery, Anthony Moon, engages him as a bodyguard to protect an
unpopular artist, Aaron Wallis. Someone has been sending him letters
promising to end his life.
lives in an apartment on the 11th floor of a soulless apartment
building and he had all the windows bricked up, because he has an
aversion for natural light. So the windows offered no way in or out
for the occupants would-be assassin. Before Phin began his watchman's
duty, the apartment was searched by Wallis himself and the door was
both locked and chain-locked from the inside, which was done with a
very though chain. The door needed to be battered half a dozen times
before the staple was torn from the wall and they could enter the
apartment. Why did the door required battering, you ask? Somehow,
someone managed to enter the sealed apartment and strangle the
unpopular artist.
are two points of interest that should be pointed out: once our
detective realizes that "Sherlock Holmes wasn't going to be any
help at all," Phin hurried home "to read some locked room
mysteries," because, "if Dr. Fell could not cure this
devil case," perhaps "Father Brown could exorcise it"
- really showing where this story fits in the scheme of the overall
genre. Secondly, the brother of the victim, Hector Wallis, is a
clairvoyant, known as "Ozanam," who is seen giving a
demonstration of the ability of his third eye. I think this
particular scene, in combination with Phin's explanation, makes for a
nice semi-impossible situation straight out of Clayton
Rawson or Jonathan
Creek. The solution to the locked room problem also somewhat
resembled the work of that mystery writer and TV-series.
can divide the crux of the impossible situation in two sections. The
first part concerns the setup of the trick and plays out like an
elaborate stage illusion, which is as risky as it's clever and lot's
of fun. And there's something in the story that should set the
seasoned armchair detective on the right track. However, the method
for the sealed nature of the room was a lot more routine, but,
overall, a very solid and promising debut for, what potentially could
have been, John
Dickson Carr's successor.
also baffled why this story never found its way into one of the many
locked room themed anthologies
that have appeared since the early 1970s.
second short story from this series, "It Takes Your Breath Away,"
was syndicated in 1974 in various London theater programs, which
included A Streetcar Named Desire at the Piccadilly Theatre
and is really just a short-short – covering only a scant three
pages. Phin finds himself "far back at the discouraging end"
of long cinema queue that twisted round a corner. One of the people
waiting in line ends up with a knife in his chest, but that's all I
really can say about the plot without giving anything away. But the
plot is surprisingly rich and involved for a short-short of only
three pages.
most mystery readers are probably aware of the first short story
discussed here and some known of the second, but very few are aware
that Maps has a section, entitled "Sladek Incognito," which
gathered eight virtually unknown crime story – originally published
in the late 1960s and some were published as by "Dale Johns."
Most of them are short-short inverted mysteries, usually no more than
four pages, in which the plans of the culprit usually backfires on
them. So you could call them A-Hoist-On-Their-Own-Petard stories.
personal favorite is "You Have a Friend at Fengrove National,"
originally published in a 1968 issue of Tit-Bits, which has a
clever money scheme with cheque deposits go horribly wrong when an
unpolished specimen of the criminal classes intervene. A very short
piece, but also very good. Loved as much the second time as when I
first read it. Deserves to be better known!

next short story, "Publish and Perish," came from a June 1968
issue of a publication known as If
comes highly recommended to fans of Edmund
Crispin, Michael
Innes and crime stories with an academic setting – because this
one is almost a parody of such kind of crime stories. A young
associate professor of physics, Gleason, has an opportunity to rise
in the academic ranks when a professor passes away, but his
university has a strange tradition to decide who fills a seat:
murder! Gleason not only has to survive the attempts on his life,
such as a bomb in the coffee maker, but also has get dispose of his
rival. A fun and unusual type of crime story that some of you will no
doubt be able to appreciate.
there's a rather unusual hybrid-type of story, "In the Oligocene," culled from the pages of the July 1968 issue of If
and has a time-traveler from the 1978 return to 1939 to save the
woman he loved as a young man. Unfortunately, he is now a man in his
sixties and to ensure she only loves him he takes her to the
Oligocene period. A "comparatively
gentle era in the earth's history,"
when the great reptiles had gone the way of the dinosaurs and the
largest mammals weren't numerous enough to pose a danger, but she not
thrilled by the prospect of being stranded in ancient history –
without any other living soul to communicate with. So the reunion is
not going as envisioned and the way this situation gets resolved is a
science-fiction imagining of a deus
ex machina.
Hands down one of the weirdest kidnap stories in all of detective
that's all of the detective fiction that can be found in Maps,
which have been long overlooked, but these stories are well worth
possessing the entire collection. And if you like humorous
science-fiction (e.g. Douglas Adams), you'll probably enjoy the
non-criminal content of this collection. But the main reason for me
was the hidden treasure trove of excellent detective stories.
a final note, Sladek also wrote a non-series short locked room
mystery, titled "The Locked Room," which is collected in Keep
the Giraffe Burning (1978)
and a review of that story can be read here.
I don't have my copy of MAPS with me (I'm at work) but people should know that there is a story therein where a whole town vanishes into thin air, and the explanation is clever and clued.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure that story is in Maps? I only re-read the stories mentioned in this review, but I would have remembered one about a vanishing town during my first reading of the book.
DeleteAnd a quick search comes up with a story, "Scenes from the Country of the Blind," about "a complete Tudor town," with smoking chimneys, that "just fadeout of sight," but the story can be found in a collection called Alien Accounts.
In any case, thanks for pointing this out, because it seems there's more (impossible) crime fiction by Sladek that has apparently slipped under the radar.
"If" was a science fiction magazine which was published from 1952 to 1974. Sladek was much more prominent as a science fiction author than as a mystery author. Sladek was one of those authors who wrote a lot of first rate material and will probably have a long publishing history (it is a good sign if they keep publishing you after you are dead, and he died in 2000) but he will never be famous.
ReplyDeleteA little checking shows that Sladek wrote a book called The Book of Clues published in 1984 which is described as a series of short detective puzzles. Good luck getting it though; the cheapest copy I can find goes for $80.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the front cover, The Book of Clues consists of two dozen mind-boggling puzzles. So the stories are probably very similar to the type of short-shorts found in H.A. Ripley's How Good a Detective Are You?
DeleteIf anything, this shows Sladek was far more prolific as a writer of detective stories than many of us thought. And they would make for a nice little series of reprints.
you're gonna hate me but i just bought it for 5 euros. last copy on amazon france. thanks for the recommendation though!
DeleteOh, you lucky, you! Just report back to let us know if the stories are worth the price of admission.
Deletei might do more than that. i usually scan ALL my physical books by hand using my ipad (since i am currently unemployed). i love having a digital backup (epub or pdf) of every single book that i want and love for safekeeping.
Deleteif you permit so, i have no problem sharing the pdf that i will do of the book. since the book is that rare, out of print, highly expensive and not currently licenced by a publisher i see no problem sharing our common passion.
let me know if you think my ethics and mentality are compatible to yours and i'll get on it when i receive my lucky copy. it's being shipped to me between the 28th of march until 7th of april.
I would have to make an exception in this case. Love to have an opportunity to peruse these stories at my leisure. And it's not even that big of a book, right?
Deletenot even. maybe around 190? usually that size takes me an hour to manually scan using my ipad. when i was empliyed i used the scanner in my workplace, but since i am searching for a job now i use my ipad and the readdle scanner pro. it does the trick but it could be better. the important thing for me is to safekeep books for posteriority and so as long as everything is readable and clear, i couldn't care less about perfection.
Deletei'll get back to you once i actually get the book and will upload it to zippy and share it here. the more people get to read obscure rare stuff the happier i am. plus there's no publisher to steal sales away from so it's all good.
Can you make an Epub instead of a PDF? I'm already looking forward to reading it. Thanks very much, Anon!
Deleteno need to thank. and yes converting books using the free caliber program (https://calibre-ebook.com/) is a piece of cake. you should download it. it serves as an ebook viewers for all kinds of book formats, an e-book converter from and to all formats, and as a book manager like itunes.
Deleteas promised: http://www90.zippyshare.com/v/mxKBWhT5/file.html
DeleteThanks, Anon! The illustrations look great and the puzzles impress me as the kind of problems Ellery Queen would assign as homework, if he was a teacher.
DeleteOh man, Sladek's oeuvre just keeps growing. I must say that 'By an Unknown Hand' is one of my favourite locked room shorts, and your comparison to Creek in set up and solution is just right, hadn't thought of that before.
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally wasn't aware of the Sladek Incognito stories and I have the MAPS collection, so super excited to get on that now!
Honestly, I was surprised as well by the commentary on this review. Never expected there was more than those two novels and eleven short stories, but now we all got some additional digging to do. So I'll probably do another one of these posts once I have found that story about a town vanishing into thin air.
DeleteYes please, that sounds marvellous.