"There's something very convincing about a bow and arrow, but really, when you come to think of it..."- Sgt. Beef (Leo Bruce's "I, Said the Sparrow," collected in Murder in Miniature and Other Stories, 1992)
Croft-Cooke was the birth name of "Leo
Bruce," writer and satirist, who penned a string of clever genre spoofs
about a beer guzzling and darts playing village constable-turned-private
investigator, but the novels about Sgt. Beef covered only a small portion of
his total work – eight novels and a smattering of short stories stretched out
over a period of sixteen years. Bruce was far more prolific with his secondary
and lesser-known series about a schoolteacher and "a free-lance amateur"
in the game of detection, Carolus Deene.
Deene took on the detective duties in
twenty-three mystery novels, which were published between the mid-1950s and the
early 70s, but they're a far cry from the inventive, tongue-in-cheek parodies
of the genre that made up the Sgt. Beef series. They're more attuned with the
darker mood and morose tone of the genre post-World War II.

I found an old
comment on the GADetection Group, by Curt Evans, responding to my
dismissal of the series by stating that in his view "reading the Deene books
would be desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel" and how "Academy
Chicago does not publish barrel scrapings" – followed by an assurance that "some of the Deenes have ingenious twists." Well, this was not the only
instance in which someone, whose opinion on the detective story I hold in high
regard, pleaded in favor of this series. So why not finally take that postponed
second look at the series. I wanted to read something by Bruce and reading a
Carolus Deene novel would prolong the inevitable end to the Sgt. Beef series,
of which there only two more left on the big pile of unread detective stories.
The novel I picked to reacquaint myself
with Carolus Deene was Death
at St. Asprey's School (1967) and there were two reasons for that: I
love a scholastic setting as much as a shipboard or war-time mystery and the
plot description promised something along the lines of Gladys Mitchell's Tom
Brown's Body (1949).
St. Asprey's Preparatory School is a
private and expensive boarding school for young boys of high repute, but,
lately, a chain of "ugly and frightening events" has plagued the place. Several
of the students, "serious youngsters of twelve and thirteen years,"
swore they saw a figure they variously called "the Monk, the Old Friar or
the Abbot," who has been described as a bearded man in gray passing through
the dormitory like a ghost – while "mumbling Latin." Footsteps had been
heard at night and lights had been "seen moving about the grounds."
Ghosts, lights and footsteps are
something the teachers could have coped with, but soon the "satanic figure"
became more "hostile and corruptive." Six rabbits were brutally battered
to death in their hutch and a fox terrier puppy got its throat cut in the
stables. It was obvious to everyone "some tragic event was pending," but
nobody could have foreseen it was an attempt at murdering one of the teachers!
Colin Sime is one of the assistant
masters and is very popular among the boys, but not with his colleagues in the
common-room and he, miraculously, survives tumbling down a narrow, worn-out
spiral staircase in an old church tower – which escaped only with a broken leg.
However, Sime swears he was pushed and an aspiring killer could potentially
ruin the reputation of the school. So they call in an expert to take over
Sime's classes.
Carolus Deene is described as a slim,
adolescent looking widower in his forties and the owner of a large private
income, which made teaching and playing detective merely occupations to kill
time "because he could not live idly." He had already established a
reputation for himself as an amateur sleuth by the time the St. Asprey's School
business presented itself, because it's asked of him if he could elucidate the
matter without a murder. Usually, a murder or two before Deene successfully
reaches the end of an investigation.
Sadly, for the victim, Deene is unable to
prevent a second and far more successful attempt on Sime’s life: who's found
propped up in his bed, in front of an open window, with the shaft of an arrow
embedded in his throat. Interestingly, the practice of archery provided the
best aspects for both the plot and storytelling. Archery is all the craze at
the school and everyone is practicing it, which made sure there were enough
people around when the deadly arrow was loosened, but there were also
interesting scraps of background information on the sport – complete with the
obligatory references to both Robin Hood and William Tell.
The method for the murder is a reworking
of a short story from Bruce's very own Murder in Miniature and Other Stories
(1992) and the idea had been previously explored by G.K.
Chesterton and John
Dickson Carr, but the trick was competently presented and pulled off in
this version. Surrounding this trick is a rather common place, garden-variety
plot: a blackmailing victim who received his comeuppance, but my main complaint
is how the interesting plot-threads, ghostly figure and animal killings, were
relegated to the background – instead of being played up to their fullest in
order to dress-up and distinguish a simplistic, standard and shopworn plot.
Like the archery elements and snippets of school life did for the story, which
were my favorite parts of the book.
I'd give up on Bruce. Case for 3 Detectives is a brilliant parody, but you won't lose by not reading the Deenes. I read several a few years ago, and at bext they're very small beer. Dreary settings; plodding serial interviewing; and gimmicky plots cribbed from better writers.
ReplyDeleteI still have two Sgt. Beef mysteries on the pile and one Deene novel, Nothing Like Blood, is listed in Adey. So I'm not done with Bruce just yet, but that one Deene title better be good or I have to return to my original opinion of the series (sorry Curt).
DeleteNot to be pedantic, but I list 8 Beef mystery novels plus the short stories. If so, then you may have more tasty Beef ahead of you than you had thought. I think you may find, in accordance with the usual pattern, that books published during the Golden Age are superior to what came after. When you had to compete with the high standards set by the Golden Age authors, you had to be at the top of your game to get published at all.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the late response, but I've been busy and just noticed your comment.
DeleteI still have two of those eight Sgt. Beef unread on the big pile, Case Without a Corpse and Neck and Neck, which I'll savor for as long as possible. You're right: Bruce's two series seem to follow the usual pattern in quality between Golden Age and post-WWII mysteries.